Apr 21, 2023

Massive Illegal Tobacco Seizure Worth 50 Million Rubles

In Nizhny Novgorod, a significant batch of unmarked tobacco products has been uncovered. According to an official statement from the Volga Customs Administration, a warehouse storing and selling a large quantity of unmarked foreign-produced tobacco products was discovered. The illegal goods' value is estimated at 50 million rubles.

The Warehouse Inspection and Seized Products

During the inspection of one of the warehouses, various tobacco products, hookah mixtures, and liquids for electronic cigarettes were found. More than 74,000 individual packages were confiscated.

A decision is being made regarding initiating a criminal case under Article 171.1 of the Russian Criminal Code (storage and sale of unmarked tobacco products).

The Impact on Public Health and Safety

Unregulated Products and Health Risks

Unmarked tobacco products pose a significant threat to public health due to the lack of quality control and regulation.

Funding Criminal Activities

The illegal tobacco trade funds organized crime and contributes to social unrest.

Government and Law Enforcement Efforts

Increased Surveillance and Inspections

The government and law enforcement agencies have increased surveillance and inspections of warehouses and retail outlets.

Public Awareness Campaigns

Public awareness campaigns aim to educate the public about the risks associated with illegal tobacco products and encourage them to report suspicious activities.

The Role of the Volga Customs Administration

Overseeing Imports and Exports

The Volga Customs Administration is responsible for overseeing the import and export of goods within the region.

Enforcing Customs Laws and Regulations

They enforce customs laws and regulations to prevent illegal activities such as smuggling and tax evasion.

A Major Seizure and a Blow to the Illegal Trade

This recent seizure of 50 million rubles worth of illegal tobacco products is a significant achievement and serves as a warning to those involved in the illegal trade.

Continued Efforts to Combat Illegal Tobacco Trade

The Volga Customs Administration will continue to work closely with law enforcement agencies to dismantle illegal tobacco operations.

Conclusion: The Ongoing Battle Against Illegal Tobacco Trade

The seizure of 50 million rubles worth of illegal tobacco products in Nizhny Novgorod highlights the ongoing battle against the illegal tobacco trade. It is crucial for the government, law enforcement agencies, and the public to remain vigilant and work together to protect public health and safety.


  • What is the significance of this seizure in Nizhny Novgorod?
    This seizure highlights the ongoing issue of illegal tobacco trade and emphasizes the need for increased efforts in combating it.

  • Why are unmarked tobacco products dangerous?
    Unmarked tobacco products are not subject to quality control and regulation, posing significant health risks to consumers.

  • What role does the Volga Customs Administration play in combating illegal tobacco trade?
    The Volga Customs Administration oversees imports and exports, enforces customs laws and regulations, and works closely with law enforcement agencies to dismantle illegal operations.

  • What can the public do to help combat the illegal tobacco trade?
    The public can help by being aware of the risks associated with illegal tobacco products and reporting suspicious activities to law enforcement.

  • What are the legal consequences for those involved in the illegal tobacco trade?
    Those involved in the illegal tobacco trade can face criminal charges under Article 171.1 of the Russian Criminal Code, which includes penalties for the storage and sale of unmarked tobacco products.