Apr 12, 2023

The Fallout of Taiwan's Vaping Ban: Vape Shop Closures and the Rise of the Black Market

The amended Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act (菸害防制法) was approved earlier this year and went into effect on March 22nd, 2023. The new regulations have banned the sale, manufacture, and supply of vaping products, raised the legal tobacco age limit from 18 to 20, and increased the proportion of tobacco warnings from 35% to 50% of cigarette packs. However, this ban has caused significant harm to the vaping industry in Taiwan, with many vape shops already closing down or switching to selling other products.

Vape Shops Closures in Kaohsiung City

The impact of the new regulations can be seen in Kaohsiung City, where 25 out of 44 vape shops have already closed down, less than a month after the ban went into effect. The remaining shops have had to shift their focus to selling other products to stay afloat. Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, Michael Landl, has warned that the ban is a public health catastrophe in the making, and that many people who have switched to vaping products will be pushed back to smoking or to the black market.

Crackdown on Online Sales

The health department is also cracking down on online sales of vaping products, making it even harder for vapers to access their preferred products. This means that thousands of people who had switched to vaping products will now be pushed back to smoking or to the black market, where they will have access to unregulated and possibly unsafe products. This pattern has been observed in countries that have enacted similar harsh regulations, including Australia.

The Situation in Australia

In Australia, where harsh restrictions on vaping products were put in place last year, vaping products are now highly inaccessible and are being obtained more often than not via illicit channels. Many tobacconists across the country are still selling disposable vapes under the counter, while delivery services are reportedly easy to access via social media. This has led to a surge in black market sales, with many people turning to unregulated and potentially dangerous products.

The Benefits of Vaping

The new regulations fail to recognize the benefits of vaping as a means of decreasing smoking rates, and therefore as an added benefit to public health. Quitting smoking is widely known to improve physical fitness, as confirmed by a 2022 cross-sectional study of 27,908 male adults aged between 23 and 64 years in Taiwan. The study found that non-smokers enjoyed better fitness levels, while smokers were associated with an increased risk of abdominal obesity, reduced perceived health status, and poor physical fitness performance. Quitting smoking was positively linked with good health status, cardiorespiratory, and muscular fitness in male Taiwanese adults.


The ban on vaping products in Taiwan has already had a significant impact on the vaping industry, with many vape shops closing down or switching to selling other products. The crackdown on online sales means that vapers will have even fewer options to access their preferred products, potentially pushing them back to smoking or to the black market. These consequences highlight the need for policymakers to consider the benefits of vaping as a means of decreasing smoking rates, rather than simply enacting harsh restrictions.


  1. Will the ban on vaping products in Taiwan be permanent?
    It is currently unclear whether the ban on vaping products in Taiwan will be permanent, but it is in effect until further notice.

  2. What are the consequences of the ban on vaping products in Taiwan?
    The ban has led to the closure of many vape shops and the crackdown on online sales, pushing vapers back to smoking or to the black market.

  3. How can policymakers balance the benefits and risks of vaping?
    Policymakers can balance the benefits and risks of vaping by recognizing the potential benefits of vaping as a means of decreasing smoking rates, while also taking steps to ensure the safety and regulation of vaping products.

  4. How has the ban on vaping products affected public health?
    The ban on vaping products has potentially harmed public health by pushing vapers back to smoking or to the black market, where they may have access to unregulated and possibly unsafe products.

  5. What can vapers in Taiwan do now that vaping products are banned?
    Vapers in Taiwan may need to switch back to smoking or seek out illicit channels to access vaping products. However, they should be aware of the potential risks and seek out regulated and safe products if possible.